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Get Involved: Get Involved

Make cards

The best way to help support us is simply make cards to help us continue distributing them, so we can continue bringing a smile to children's faces. 


This can be done individually or through one of our card making events, which even you could host in your area!



Volunteer your time

Volunteering for Cards for Bravery is a fun and unique opportunity whilst helping those who really need it. We have new roles appearing all the time - keep a look out on our social media!


Make a donation

As a small charity, we rely on donations. You can donate to us in multiple ways, and it really is beneficial. We accept PayPal Donations, donations through our JustGiving page, donations from our Amazon Wishlist and more. You can also fundraise for us through multiple activities. Any support is greatly appreciated!



Spread the word

The easiest way to have an impact help Cards for Bravery, is to SPREAD THE WORD! Sharing around the work we do with friend's and family is always the most beneficial. The more people who know about us - the more who can help!

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